Seven years to get justice

On Wednesday 2 March 2016 Surelock working on behalf of TRAP travelled to Ireland where working alongside The Garda made various seizures in an around the Dublin area. The largest seizure of the day was one of One Direction merchandise in the home town on Nial Horan (of One Direction) where the following was seized

18,584 x One Direction / 1D labels for putting on footwear.

16,500 x One Direction backpacks

16,850 x One Direction converse style shoes.

All product was destined for various markets in Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Almost seven years later the case is finalised. On the 31/01/2023 at Longford Circuit Court, before Judge Keenan Johnson, Mr Ishmaeil Abdelkhalik after pleading guilty to 12 of the 33 offences was sentenced to the following,

  • Headline Sentence of 4 years 6 months, reduced to 3 years with mitigation, with 2 years 3 months suspended, and with him been having been in Custody since 2/6/2022 both in the Czech Republic and Ireland. Mr Abdelkhalik was released from custody on the 31/01/2023 with time served.
  • Mr Abdelkhalik offered €10,000 in restoration and Judge Johnson directed that it be split €5,000 between two local charities St Vincent De Paul and Cancer Support Sanctuary LARCC.

A disposal order was applied for, for all the counterfeit goods currently in storage and Judge Johnson requested that any good stock be forwarded to the charity of SVDP.